here we go with some Index of STSADM
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SharePoint STSADM Technical Refarance Chart
Name | Description | More information |
Activatefeature | Activates a feature in the feature collection. | Activatefeature: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Addalternatedomain | Adds an internal URL and maps it to one of the five URL zones of a Web application or external resource. | Addalternatedomain: Stsadm operations (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Addcontentdb | Creates a new content database or adds a database that needs to be upgraded when the urldatabasename and parameters are specified. | Addcontentdb: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Addpath | Adds a managed path inclusion to a Web application. | |
Addpermissionpolicy | Adds a user to a policy role for the Web application based on the specified permission level name and corresponding zone. | Addpermissionpolicy: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Addsolution | Adds a solution file to the solution store. | |
Addtemplate | Adds a site template to the template gallery. | |
Adduser | Adds a user account to the specified site collection and assigns it to the specified site group. | |
Addwppack | Adds a Web Part package to the server Web Part gallery. | |
Addzoneurl | Configures the public URL and maps it to one of the five URL zones of a Web application or external resource. | |
Authentication | Authentication provides the user identity input to the authorization process which determines what actions the current user is allowed to perform on a given object. | Authentication: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Backup | Describes how to back up a site collection, an individual database, a Web application, or an entire farm. | |
Backuphistory | Displays a history of backup and restore operations that have been run. | Backuphistory: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Binddrservice | Registers a data retrieval service adapter. | Binddrservice: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Blockedfilelist | Enables an administrator to add or delete a file type to the blocked file types list for a Web application. | Blockedfilelist: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Changepermissionpolicy | Updates the Web application policy level for a user to enable a change to specific permission levels the user is assigned. | Changepermissionpolicy: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Copyappbincontent | Copies Web application–specific files, such as page resource (*.resx) files from their respective locations in the 12\CONFIG folder to the correct location in each Web application on the computer. | Copyappbincontent: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Createadminvs | Displays the port number to the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. | Createadminvs: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Creategroup | Lets site collection administrators create new groups from any site collection. | |
Createsite | Creates a site collection at the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL) with the specified user as site collection owner and site collection administrator. | |
Createsiteinnewdb | Creates a site at the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and creates a new content database using the user name and password you specify. | Createsiteinnewdb: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Createweb | Creates a subsite at the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL). | |
Databaserepair | Detects and removes orphaned items from content databases in Windows SharePoint Services. | Databaserepair: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deactivatefeature | Deactivates a feature in the feature collection. | Deactivatefeature: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deleteadminvs | Unprovisions the SharePoint Central Administration Web site from the local machine. | Deleteadminvs: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deletealternatedomain | Deletes an internal URL from a URL zone. | Deletealternatedomain: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deleteconfigdb | Unprovisions the local machine from the farm and deletes the configuration database (but does not drop the configuration database). | Deleteconfigdb: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deletecontentdb | Detaches a content database when the Web application, database name, and database server are specified. | Deletecontentdb: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deletegroup | Deletes a group created in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. | |
Deletepath | Removes an included path from the list of paths managed by Windows SharePoint Services. | |
Deletepermissionpolicy | Deletes a permission policy for a user from the site collection by specifiying the URL name and user login. | Deletepermissionpolicy: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deletesite | Deletes the site collection with the specified URL from the Web application. | |
Deletesolution | Removes a Windows SharePoint Services Solution Package (*.wsp) from the solution store. | Deletesolution: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deletetemplate | Deletes a specified site template from the site template gallery. | Deletetemplate: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deleteuser | Deletes a user account from the specified site collection and specified site. | |
Deleteweb | Deletes a subsite using the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL). | |
Deletewppack | Removes the Web Parts in a Web Part package from a virtual server. | Deletewppack: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deletezoneurl | Deletes a public URL and the zone to which it is mapped. | Deletezoneurl: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deploysolution | Deploys files related to a solution from the configuration database to individual front-end Web servers in the farm. | Deploysolution: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Deploywppack | Deploys a Web Part package. | Deploywppack: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Disablessc | Disables Self-Service Site Creation for the specified Web application. | |
Displaysolution | Displays specific solution or Web Part information in a solution store. | Displaysolution: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Enablessc | Enables Self-Service Site Creation for the specified Web application. | |
Enumallwebs | Displays the IDs and site map status for all site collections and subsites in the content database. | |
Enumalternatedomains | Lists the internal URLs and specifies the URL zones and public URLs to which they are mapped. | Enumalternatedomains: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Enumcontentdbs | Enumerates all content databases in the Web application. | Enumcontentdbs: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Enumgroups | Lists all the groups in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. | |
Enumroles | Lists the site groups that are available for use in a particular site or subsite. | |
Enumservices | Lists all the services in the Web application within a farm. | Enumservices: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Enumsites | Displays a list of sites that are hosted in a Web application. To find the sites that need to be upgraded, use the redirectedsites parameter. | |
Enumsolutions | Enumerates the list of Windows SharePoint Services Solution Package (*.wsp) and Web Part packages located in the solution store of the farm. | Enumsolutions: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Enumsubwebs | Lists the subsites that have been created immediately below a particular site. | |
Enumtemplates | Lists the site templates that have been submitted to the global site template catalog. | Enumtemplates: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Enumusers | Lists the users of a particular site collection or subsite. | |
Enumwppacks | Lists the Web Part packages currently in the server Web Part gallery. | |
Enumzoneurls | Lists all of the public URL and the zones to which they are mapped. | Enumzoneurls: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
| Sets the e-mail configuration settings for your server. | |
Execadmsvcjobs | Permits a user to run any administrative service job in which the Windows SharePoint Services Administration (SPAdmin) service has been disabled. | Execadmsvcjobs: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Export | Exports site and subsite data from your Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 installation. | |
Extendvs | Extends a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web application and creates a new content database. | |
Extendvsinwebfarm | Extends a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web application for use in a server farm. | Extendvsinwebfarm: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Forcedeletelist | Allows a user to delete a list that might appear to be in a corrupted state. | Forcedeletelist: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Getadminport | Returns the administration port for Windows SharePoint Services. | Getadminport: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Getsitelock | Retrieves the lock status of a site. | |
Import | Imports site and subsite data from your Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 installation. | |
Installfeature | Installs a feature. | Installfeature: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Listlogginglevels | Lists the current event log and trace log logging levels for each diagnostic logging category that is registered in a farm. | Listlogginglevels: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Localupgradestatus | Displays the farm and local server components that need to be upgraded. | Localupgradestatus: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Managepermissionpolicylevel | Enables an administrator to manage the policy levels for a Web application. | Managepermissionpolicylevel: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Mergecontentdbs | Permits a site collection to be moved from one content database to another when the souredatabasename and destinationdatabasename parameters are specified. | Mergecontentdbs: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Migrateuser | Migrates a user account in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to a new user name and binary ID. | |
Preupgradecheck | Runs rules that are intended to assist administrators in preparing for upgrade from Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and related products to future version of SharePoint and Technology products. | Preupgradecheck: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Provisionservice | Prepares sites and content databases before moving to a new Web application by setting up the profile and membership synchronization service. | Provisionservice: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Refreshdms | Refreshes the Directory Management Service if a database is restored or moved to a location where the incoming e-mail settings are not correct. | |
Refreshsitedms | Performs the same function as the Refreshdms operation but on a site collection level. | Refreshsitedms: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Registerwsswriter | Enables the Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer service (known as WSS Writer service) on any front-end Web server. | Registerwsswriter: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Removedrservice | Removes a data retrieval service from the list of data retrieval services. | Removedrservice: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Removesolutiondeploymentlock | Removes the solution deployment lock for the specified server or all servers from the back-end database. | Removesolutiondeploymentlock: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Renameserver | Changes the name of the specified server in the configuration database. | Renameserver: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Renamesite | Changes a URL of a host-named site collection to a new URL. | |
Renameweb | Changes the URL of a subsite. | |
Restore | Explains how a restoration of a site collection, an individual database, a Web application, or an entire farm is performed. | |
Retractsolution | Retracts the specified solution’s deployment, and removes files from the front-end Web server. | Retractsolution: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Retractwppack | Retracts the deployment of a specified Web Part package. | Retractwppack: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Scanforfeatures | Scans for new features in the file system, and if new features are present, installs them. | Scanforfeatures: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Setadminport | Changes the default zone Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and/or application pool located on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. | Setadminport: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Setconfigdb | Creates a new configuration database in a farm or joins the local computer to an existing farm's configuration database. | |
Setlogginglevel | Sets the Windows event log and trace log logging level for one or more diagnostic logging categories registered in the farm. | Setlogginglevel: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Setsitelock | Sets a value that specifies whether the site collection is locked and unavailable for read or write access. | |
Setworkflowconfig | Enables or disables the workflow settings. | Setworkflowconfig: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Siteowner | Sets the primary or secondary administrator of a site collection. | |
Spsearch | Manages the Windows SharePoint Services Search service. | |
Spsearchdiacriticsensitive | Enables or disables the diacritic sensitivity setting. | Spsearchdiacriticsensitive: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Syncsolution | Performs a synchronization of the Windows SharePoint Services Solution Package (WSP) solutions stored in the configuration database with the files stored on disk. | Syncsolution: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Trimauditlog | Lets an administrator delete audit entries older than a certain date, as specified using the enddate parameter. | Trimauditlog: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Tzmove | Allows an administrator to update data that is affected by a change in the start and/or end of Daylight Saving time (DST). | |
Unextendvs | Removes Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 from a particular Web application. | |
Uninstallfeature | Removes the specified feature definition from the collection of feature definitions in the farm. | Uninstallfeature: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Unregisterwsswriter | Disables the Windows SharePoint Services VSS Writer service (known as WSS Writer service) on any front-end Web server. | Unregisterwsswriter: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Updateaccountpassword | Updates the Web application pool passwords. | Updateaccountpassword: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Updatealerttemplates | Lets an administrator update custom changes to the Alerttemplates.xml file. | Updatealerttemplates: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Updatefarmcredentials | Updates the Web application pool for the SharePoint Central Administration Web site and the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service (SPTimer). | Updatefarmcredentials: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Upgrade | Upgrades the specified site collection during a gradual upgrade. | |
Upgradesolution | Upgrades an existing solution. The solution to be upgraded could be either deployed or not deployed; however, the immediate or time parameters apply only if the solution has been deployed. | Upgradesolution: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Upgradetargetwebapplication | Prepares the environment for the gradual upgrade of a specific version 2.0 Web application by moving the existing version 2.0 Web application to a new URL and making a new version 3.0 Web application that is based on the existing version 2.0 Web application and associated settings. | Upgradetargetwebapplication: Stsadm operation (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Userrole | Adds or deletes permission levels to site groups. |
Property name | Description | More information |
Alerts-enabled | Turns alerts on or off. | Alerts-enabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Alerts-limited | Specifies the number of alerts to which a user can create. | Alerts-limited: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Alerts-maximum | Specifies the maximum number of alerts a user can create. | Alerts-maximum: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Avallowdownload | Specifies whether users can download infected documents to their local computers. | Avallowdownload: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Avcleaningenabled | Specifies whether antivirus cleaning is enabled or disabled. | Avcleaningenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Avdownloadscanenabled | Specifies whether documents are scanned when they are downloaded. | Avdownloadscanenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Avnumberofthreads | Specifies the number of threads to use for antivirus processes. | Avnumberofthreads: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Avtimeout | Specifies how long to wait before an antivirus process times out. | |
Avuploadscanenabled | Specifies whether documents are scanned when they are uploaded. | Avuploadscanenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Change-log-expiration-enabled | Specifies whether change logs are deleted after the time span defined in the Change-log-retention-period: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) property. | Change-log-expiration-enabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Change-log-retention-period | Specifies the amount of time to preserve change logs | Change-log-retention-period: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Command-line-upgrade-running | Specifies whether the upgrade process has already been started. | Command-line-upgrade-running: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Data-retrieval-services-enabled | Turns data retrieval services on or off. | Data-retrieval-services-enabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Data-retrieval-services-inherit | Specifies whether the Web application inherits data retrieval service settings that are located on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site. | Data-retrieval-services-inherit: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Data-retrieval-services-oledb-providers | Obsolete. | Not applicable |
Data-retrieval-services-response-size | Specifies the response size of the data source that is returned to the data retrieval service. | Data-retrieval-services-response-size: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Data-retrieval-services-timeout | Specifies the request time out setting. | Data-retrieval-services-timeout: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Data-retrieval-services-update | Turns the support for update queries on or off. | Data-retrieval-services-update: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Data-source-controls-enabled | Turns the data source controls on the server on or off. | Data-source-controls-enabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Database-command-timeout | Retrieves or sets the wait time before terminating the attempt to execute a command and generating an error. | Database-command-timeout: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Database-connection-timeout | Retrieves an open connection or sets a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database. | Database-connection-timeout: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Days-to-show-new-icon | Specifies the number of days to display the "New" icon for items added to a Web site. | Days-to-show-new-icon: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Dead-site-auto-delete | Turns on or off the setting to delete the site collection | Dead-site-auto-delete: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Dead-site-notify-after | Specifies the number of days to wait before sending notifications | Dead-site-notify-after: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Dead-site-num-notifications | Specifies the number of notifications to send | Dead-site-num-notifications: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Defaultquotatemplate | Specifies the default quota template to be used when creating new site collection on a specified Web application. | Defaultquotatemplate: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Defaulttimezone | Specifies the time zone for sites that are created in a Web application. | Defaulttimezone: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Delete-web-send-email | Deletes the site collection if use is not confirmed | Delete-web-send-email: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Irmaddinsenabled | Specifies a rights management platform other than Windows Rights Management Server. | Irmaddinsenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Irmrmscertserver | Specifies the location of the Windows Rights Management Services server. | Irmrmscertserver: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Irmrmsenabled | Controls whether the server should use the Windows RMS infrastructure instead of another rights management platform. | Irmrmsenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Irmrmsusead | Specifies that Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 should use the location of the RMS server that is stored in Active Directory, rather than an administrator manually specifying the location of the Windows RMS. | |
Job-ceip-datacollection | Specifies the time schedule for when Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) data is collected. | Job-ceip-datacollection: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-change-log-expiration | Specifies the time schedule when the change log timer job occurs. | Job-change-log-expiration: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-config-refresh | Specifies the schedule for the configuration refresh job. | Job-config-refresh: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-database-statistics | Specifies the time schedule when database statistics are collected. | Job-database-statistics: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-dead-site-delete | Specifies the frequency interval and time range to delete unused Web sites automatically, for example, "Weekly at Sat 0:00:00". | Job-dead-site-delete: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-gradual-site-deletion | Added in the April Cumulative Update to perform gradual deletion of site collections. Lets a site collection to be marked as deleted, which immediately prevents any further access to its content. | Job-gradual-site-deletion: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-immediate-alerts | Specifies the frequency to check for alerts that are to be sent immediately. | Job-immediate-alerts: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-recycle-bin-cleanup | Specifies the time schedule for a cleanup of the Recycle Bin to occur. | Job-recycle-bin-cleanup: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-usage-analysis | Lets an administrator set the time interval for usage processing. | Job-usage-analysis: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-watson-trigger | Displays the time schedule of the Windows SharePoint Services Watson Upload job. | Job-watson-trigger: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-workflow | Sends the workflow events that have been queued and delivers them to workflows. | |
Job-workflow-autoclean | Specifies the time schedule for when a scan occurs to delete workflow instance data. | Job-workflow-autoclean: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Job-workflow-failover | Specifies a schedule for restarting workflow operations that fail because of external reasons. | Job-workflow-failover: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Large-file-chunk-size | Specifies the amount of data that can be read from the server running Microsoft SQL Server at one time. | Large-file-chunk-size: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Max-file-post-size | Specifies the maximum allowable size for a single upload of content to any site. | Max-file-post-size: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Presenceenabled | Allows users of a SharePoint site to see if other users are online and send instant messages to them. | Presenceenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Recycle-bin-cleanup-enabled | Specifies whether a cleanup to the recycle bin occurs. | Recycle-bin-cleanup-enabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Recycle-bin-enabled | Turns the Recycle Bin on or off. | Recycle-bin-enabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Recycle-bin-retention-period | Specifies the retention period, in days, of deleted items in the Recycle Bin. | Recycle-bin-retention-period: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Second-stage-recycle-bin-quota | Specifies how much hard disk space is available to a second stage Recycle Bin as a percentage of the quota allotted to the Web application. | Second-stage-recycle-bin-quota: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Presenceenabled | Allows users of a SharePoint site to see if other users are online and send instant messages to them. | Presenceenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Token-timeout | Specifies the amount of time before a user token times out. | Token-timeout: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Usageprocessingenabled | Configures whether the usage analysis process is turned on or off. | Usageprocessingenabled: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Workflow-cpu-throttle | Obsolete. | Not applicable |
Workflow-eventdelivery-batchsize | Specifies the paging size for events delivered to a single workflow instance. | Workflow-eventdelivery-batchsize: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Workflow-eventdelivery-throttle | Specifies the number of workflows that can be processed (that is, using the processor, not idle) at the same time across all front-end Web servers. | Workflow-eventdelivery-throttle: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Workflow-eventdelivery-timeout | Specifies the time in which a workflow job must run without the job timing out. If the workflow job does time out, it gets put back in the queue to be run again. | Workflow-eventdelivery-timeout: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Workflow-timerjob-cpu-throttle | Obsolete. | Not applicable |
Workitem-eventdelivery-batchsize | Specifies the maximum number of work items that will be paged in to a processing timer job. | Workitem-eventdelivery-batchsize: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
Workitem-eventdelivery-throttle | Specifies the maximum number of work items that can be obtained on a given query for work items that are scheduled to run. | Workitem-eventdelivery-throttle: Stsadm property (Windows SharePoint Services) |
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